Monday, June 20, 2011

Dieting Drive-Thru Style

In our fast-paced life, going through the drive-thru at some point is inevitable.  Here are a few tips to help keep your diet on track even if you accidentally left your healthy lunch at home.

1.  Don't drink all your calories.  Soda (diet or otherwise) is not a healthy choice as it provides no nutritional value and is filled with sugar (or artificial sweeteners), and other ingredients that fill you up without giving your body any benefits.   Water is the number one choice as it hydrates your body and aids digestion. Unsweetened tea is virtually calorie-free if you want something other than water. Juice (100% fruit juice, not "fruit drinks") and low-fat milk are two alternatives that add nutrition to the calories you drink, making them healthier choices than soda and other sweet beverages. If you must go with soda, choose the smallest size available.

2.  Aim for at least one serving of fruit or vegetables.  You can achieve this by adding extra lettuce and/or tomato to your sandwich or by substituting your french fries for a salad or other healthy side like baked potato, yogurt or apple slices. 

3.  Portion control - It's hard to resist a good deal, so increasing your meal to a large for $0.59 seems like a great idea, but it will kill your diet!  Order small sides a la carte instead of a value meal.  If it seems like a big adjustment, try this tip:  If you are eating in, order a little less than normal and allow yourself five minutes to let the meal settle and drink an extra glass of water.  If you truly still hungry, then you can go ahead and supplement your order with a healthy side.

4.  Hold the extra sauces - If it seems impossible to give up the creamy sauces like mayo and ranch, start by requesting sandwiches with 1/2 the regular amount or order the sauce on the side and commit to a thin layer.  You can increase the mustard to make-up for less mayo or add extra salsa to a taco instead of sour cream.  Little changes can add up to a big difference.

5.  Don't be fooled by "healthy" meat - Ordering chicken or fish instead of beef is not always the smart choice.  As a general rule, stay away from anything with breading.  Opt for grilled or roasted meat instead. 

6.  Avoid restaurants with free munchies - We've probably all been guilty of having a few too many chips, pretzles or peanuts before our meal arrives.  Avoid the temptation!

Still not sure what to order?  Check out The 22 Healthiest Fast Food Options for specific suggestions at ten popular fast food chains.

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