Wednesday, January 25, 2012

20 Minute Weight Loss Workout

I don't know about you, but I get bored easily, so circuit training is perfect for me.  I want to share an article that Shape Magazine posted with a trainer-recommended 20 minute routine designed to focus on weight loss.  A medicine ball is just a weighted ball.  If you don't have one, a basketball or soccer ball will work for beginners.  If that is too easy, you can use small dumbbells instead. 

20-minute circuit training routine

2 minutes of jumping rope

Body weight circuit (30 seconds per exercise)
-Single leg (alternating) forward to reverse lunge
-Push up to T plank rotation
-Overhead medicine ball (MB) slams with trunk rotations
-Lateral skaters
-Plank with hip abductions
-MB reverse chops

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, immediately moving on to the next exercise. Give yourself 45 seconds of rest in-between each round or jump rope if you are more cardiovascularly-conditioned.

Descriptions of above circuit:
-Single leg (alternating) forward to reverse lunge: With your left leg stationary, your right leg goes forward into reverse lunge for 30 seconds. Then switch sides.

-Push up to T plank rotations: Perform one full push up. In the extended push up position, rotate side to side (T plank) holding a side plank position for 3-5 seconds, then repeat for 30 seconds.

-Overhead medicine ball slams with trunk rotations: Standing with your body facing forward and the medicine ball held over your head, rotate thorough the hips slamming the ball onto the floor. Repeat this pattern side to side for 30 seconds.

-Lateral skaters: place 2 cones about 3 to 5 feet from one another. Hop from one cone to the other, landing in a single leg squat position.

-Plank with hip abduction or jumping jack: in plank position, keep your abs and glutes tight, and bring toes out to the sides of your body as you perform a jumping jack. Repeat.

-MB reverse chops: Bring the medicine ball across the body in a diagonal pattern from a low to high angle. As you pull the medicine ball across your body, make sure to rotate through the hips, keeping the abs tight. Perform standing or kneeling.



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