Monday, June 11, 2012

Are you swimsuit ready?

If not, now is your chance to sign up for Excel's second weight loss competition.  If you and/or a family member are interested in participating in this weight loss challenge, please contact us at by Monday, June 18th.  The challenge will begin on Monday, June 25th with an initial weigh-in and will continue for ten weeks.  The finale will be held on Friday, August 31st. 

We respect your privacy.  No weights will be posted or disclosed to anyone except the designated record keeper.  The initial and final weigh-ins must be done in the office on the official scale.  Other weekly weigh-ins may be sent in via email, text or in person.  We want to make this as participant friendly as possible. 

Assuming there is no weight gained, the cost will be a total of $15/pp broken out as follows:  There is a $5.00 registration fee which must be paid during your first weigh-in. There will be a $1 weigh-in fee per week applied to all contestants due at each weigh-in.  This may be paid in advance if desired.  There will be a penalty fee of $1 if you miss weighing-in. This dollar will be combined with the weekly weigh in fee of $1, for a total of $2 dollars each time you miss a weigh-in. There will be a penalty fee of $1 added for each pound gained. (i.e. gain 3 pounds, you owe $3) due at the time of weigh-in. 

The individual winner will be the person who loses the largest percentage of body weight.   The winning team will be the team with the largest stacked percentage of weight loss.  Stacked percentage means each team member's percentage will be added together for a grand total. 

In addition to awesome cash prizes for the winning team and individuals, our first session participants enjoyed a Chipotle gift card, a backpack filled with healthy snacks and a healthified ice cream party.  Are you looking forward to what session two will bring?   Well, sign up! 

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Our first competition was a huge success and we're excited to get started on round two!

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